Nine days of prayer 2016

wp-1462463427326.jpgFrom the 6th to the 14th May, Christians across the church will be using a different daily prayer and we will be publishing the prayer and image of the day here on this blog.

Our unifying prayer is “Come Holy Spirit, meet us at our Crossroads”

Decision making is a rich ingredient to our flourishing as human beings. Crossroads are times for conversations, when decisions need to be made. The wailing wall in the picture above is where we see Jesus in conversation with the Elders.

So come and join us. It is easy. Every day, one prayer will be published along with an image.

Look at the image and meditate on the picture a little. These are characters caught up in decisive moments.

Wait prayerfully for the Holy Spirit.

Read the bible text and allow each story to spark your imagination.

Listen attentively for Gods word speaking to you as you pray.

Respond to the prompting of the Word, discover the next step of action.

We would love to hear from you in the comments on any of the days, or at the end, for what you got out of these 9 days of Prayer.